”Inobiz system is easy to use, reliable with high performance”
Colorama is the largest independent paint stores in Nordic. Five years ago they introduced a common ERP-system for head office and the stores. They chose Inobiz software to manage the EDI traffic.
Today, they run around 40,000 transactions in Inobiz Integration Server each year. Johan Håkansson is the IT-Manager for Colorama Business Services.
- Inobiz solution was the most affordable in relation to the function. Their system has several advantages - it is easy to use and reliable, high performance and resource-efficient in terms of hardware, he says.
There are advantages in having a common ERP-system, says Johan Håkansson. With such large volumes, both in and out, it is easier purely administrative.
- First, it is easy to add a partner or controlling routing. Another benefit is for our stores. They don't have to think about what they should do - they get all the orders and send invoices in specific formats, which in turn makes it easier for both suppliers and customers, he says.
As a customer, he is very pleased with how the support organization works, both with their partner Evry and with Inobiz.
"- It's fantastic good support, when the need arises we receive help from Inobiz developers to meet them" - says Johan Håkansson.